What The Heck is Word Derivation and How To Use It To Your Advantage

So You Want To Be Fluent In Spanish


What is fluency?

Well, it depends.

On What?

What is your goal?

“I want to speak with native speakers with ease for both parties and have in-depth conversations covering a broad range of topics.”

That is a lofty goal and I commend you.  You will!

However, depending on from where your starting point is, you may have some linguistic ground to cover.

That said, it can be done.

The trick is to start from where you are and celebrate the wins.  Each and every one of them, because there will be many.  Language learning is a life long practice. If you pick up one word you can use, that is a win.  If you take that word and learn all its derivations, that is a win plus.  If you do that 5 out of seven times in a week,  you will have won that week in a big way.

Think of what you will learn in one month. 

20 useful words that you can apply to situations that interest you.

For example, learn, learned, learning.   If you take what you learn in a week and combine it with what you learned in high school or where ever, you are learning the language.

Do that consistently and you will be speaking with native speakers as soon as you want to venture into the conversation fray.

Make no mistake, It requires effort.   I know because I’ve done it.  But, the rewards are worth it.

So what is the definition of derivation?

Definition of derivation:

In morphology, derivation is the process of creating a new word out of an old word, usually by adding a prefix or a suffix. (Or as shown below, conjugating the infinitive verb.)

Here’s a quick start so that all you have to do is carry on from here. (Pick one or find one that most interests you and learn some of its derivations)

  1. Estudiar – To study, Yo estudio – I study, Tú estudias – You study, (etc.),  Estudiado (past participle) – Studied, Estudiando (gerund) – Studying, Estudiante – Student, Estudios – Studies
  2. Querer –  to want/desire, Yo quiero – I want/desire, Tú quieres – You want/desire, (etc.), Querido (past participle) – Wanted/Desired, Querido (noun) – Loved one (male), Querida (noun) – Loved one (female),  Queriendo (gerund) – Wanting/Desiring
  3. Dar – to give, Yo doy – I give, Tú das – You give, (etc.), Dado (past participle/adjective) – Given,  Dando (gerund) – Giving, Dado (noun masculine) – Dice/Die
  4. Chico (noun masculine singular) – boy, Chico/a/os/as (adjective) – Small, Chica (noun feminine singular) – Girl,  Chicos (noun masculine plural) – Boys, Chicas Chico (noun feminine plural) – girls

If you combine this technique of learning a word and its derivations with Fluency Fox, you’ll get a jump start to the fastest way possible to reinvigorate your Spanish and take it to the next level.

If you have some background in Spanish you will begin to refresh what you have already learned and start to apply it to the newly acquired words and their derivations.

It sounds basic, but if you try it for a week you may find it to be the most useful tool that is in your immediate arsenal.  One way to look at it is to consider language learning as waging an enlightening war with the unknown.  You are going after something that you know you can attain.  You know this because there are countless others that have done it.

It will take time and effort to achieve.

Strategize and you will succeed.

Do It!!!

Stay tuned to the Fluency Fox Weekly Tricks and make your bilingual dream a reality.

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